Welcome to the all new DaytonaTurbo.com, version 3.0. DaytonaTurbo is dedicated to the Dodge Daytona and it’s 2.2/2.5L cousins. This site is intended to be a free resource for any type of tech information related to 80’s to 90’s Chrysler products. If you have something that you would like me to add to the site, an idea for an article, or just wish to contact me, use the link on the “Contact” page.

Disclaimer: The content of daytonaturbo.com is for general information purposes only and does not constitute advice. daytonaturbo.com tries to provide content that is true and accurate as of the date of writing; however, we give no assurance or warranty regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or applicability of any of the contents. Visitors to this website should not act upon its content or information without first seeking appropriate professional advice.